Entrepreneurship education research
What we learned, where to go
Bringing other fields into business education
Liberal arts + other subjects into class: Why + how
News: Hard data in a fun wrapper
My neighbor, Neutron Jack
Crisis management: Ernest + the ‘Rona
Nobel Prize candidate: His lost tale
Strategic Disaster: The 0.0%
What explains terrible decisions? Data errors, stakeholders, time, social realities, psychological biases + group dynamics.
Using movies: A detailed guide
The great adventures are great because they happen to people we care about. — Roger Ebert
“Wild Streak”: Raising innovative students
Gulag: Management insights?
Polar exploration: Management insights?
Young Chinese entrepreneurs
Old school: New life + lessons
New ideas and technologies replace old ones (see some of my research), yet the old often continues, and has lessons for us.
Information problems
A note to spark debate about customer relations, product development +roll-out, decision processes, C-suite biases.